This story travels through the past and future of a world called Caelum, and closely follows two protagonists Azubah and Amka. In this project I wanted to explore the severe differences between the past and future with my color palette.

The Future

  The future of Cealum is arid and dry. This futuristic world is on the edge of being incapable of supporting life. The people that live on this planet are evidence of this. There is a large gap in income, the super-rich live in the city, suspended in sky away from the rest of the majority. The poor live down below the buildings, on the streets. Things are tense, as everyone in the lower class is fighting for their lives.

The Past

  Cealum in the past is cold, but inviting. We get to see the past through a well-organized, and friendly village of people in the icy tundra. This village has a well-balanced social hierarchy, and its people live peaceful fulfilling lives. This is supposed to be a direct opposition of the future.